Speak at Airspace World 2024

Airspace World is where the most influential people in both ATM and UTM, the decision-makers, innovators, ANSPs, regulators, investors, suppliers, technologists, and strategists come together to deliver our future skies.

It serves as the premier platform for you to get your message across to the people who matter. 7,000+ industry professionals collaborating in the drive towards a sustainable, equitable, global sky.

Share your ideas, technologies, strategies, hopes, challenges, experiences, best practices, and case-studies with the ATM and UTM industry.

Please see the suggested submission topics at the bottom of this page. If you would like to present on a topic not listed below, we would still like to hear from you. Our goal is to hear from all areas of the ATM, UTM and space industries, the list below is not exclusive and we encourage submission on other subjects.

The largest Airspace event in the world

90%+ of world air traffic supported

20,000 CANSO members to connect with

The world’s media listening to you

The entire ATM value chain present

1,500+ C-Level execs present

Demonstrate your place in the industry’s future and help define what it will take to build resilient, safe and sustainable airspace.

Continue the critical discussions on the changing ATM landscape with CANSO in Geneva!

Suggested Submission Topics

1. Innovation and digital transformation in ATM

Showcase the latest advancements in technology and digital solutions shaping the future of Air Traffic Management. Uncover innovative strategies to enhance performance in airspace operations. Discuss how automation, AI, and other tech-enabled advances are revolutionizing ATM for increased efficiency, safety, and capacity.

Examples of topics:

  • Implementation of AI and Machine Learning in Air Traffic Management
  • Leveraging the advantages Virtual Centres will unlock
  • Next-Generation Data Analytics for Enhanced Decision-Making
  • Virtual Reality and Simulation in Training Air Traffic Controllers

2. Reimagining ATM Operations

Explore the evolving landscape of ATM towards advanced concepts and procedures. Discuss new approaches to airspace design, route optimization, airspace classification and dynamic airspace management. Explore concepts such as trajectory-based operations, free route airspace, and collaborative decision-making that are driving the evolution of more efficient and flexible ATM operations.

Examples of topics:

  • Trajectory-based operations
  • Collaborative Decision-Making
  • Airspace Classification and flight rules
  • Civil – Military coordination
  • New concepts for higher airspace operations

3. Pathway to Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)

Delve into the evolving landscape of Advanced Air Mobility and its integration into our skies. Explore the technical developments, challenges, opportunities, and regulatory frameworks required to enable seamless regional and urban air mobility.

Examples of topics:

  • AAM Infrastructure Development and Challenges
  • AAM ecosystem evolutionary steps
  • Regulatory Frameworks for AAM Integration into Traditional Airspace
  • Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) Technology Advancements

4. Greening the Skies

Demonstrate how the aviation industry is contributing to global climate goals through innovative practices and operational efficiency. Explore sustainable strategies for reducing emissions and minimising the environmental impact of air traffic.

Examples of topics:

  • Optimisation of Flight Paths for Fuel Efficiency and Emission Reduction (e.g. FRA, CCO, CDO, FUA, A-CDM)
  • Collaborative Efforts to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Air Travel
  • Reducing aviation non-CO2 impacts

5. Strengthening Resilience in ATM

Gain insights into building resilience to disruptions and unforeseen events in Air Traffic Management. Explore strategies to maintain operational performance, minimize downtime, and swiftly recover from disruptions.

Examples of topics:

  • Crisis Management and Business Continuity in Air Traffic Control
  • AI-Driven Predictive Analytics for Anticipating and Mitigating Disruptions
  • Implementing Redundancy and Contingency Measures in ATM Systems
  • Lessons Learned from Natural Disasters and Global Pandemics
  • Regional approaches to Resilience

6. Global safety and security

Address the critical components of safety and security in air traffic management. Examine global collaborations, technologies, and best practices that enhance safety measures and ensure secure airspace operations.

Examples of topics:

  • Cybersecurity Measures to Safeguard ATM Systems from Threats
  • Safety Culture and Human Factors in Air Traffic Control
  • Addressing Emerging Security Challenges in Drone Integration

7. Fostering a Thriving Aviation community

Build a cohesive aviation community and forge partnerships to promote STEM education among diverse candidates. Enhance recruitment, diversity, and inclusion efforts. Anticipate future skill needs and define career paths.

Examples of topics:

  • Workforce Development and Talent Management in ATM
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Aviation Industry
  • Partnerships Between Airlines, Airports, and ANSPs for Service Excellence
  • Identify skills that will be required in the future
  • Automation’s Impact on ATM Operations and Workforce

8. Unleashing the Potential of Drones

Explore the opportunities and challenges of integrating drones into today’s airspace. Discuss their applications, regulations, safety, and technology for a harmonious coexistence with manned aircraft.

Examples of topics:

  • Integration of Drones into the airspace
  • Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations and Regulatory Considerations
  • Urban Drone Delivery and Last-Mile Logistics
  • Ensuring Safety and Collision Avoidance in Crowded Urban Airspace