Europe for Aviation

As part of the ‘Europe for Aviation’ team, we are delighted to be joining the wider aviation community at the first edition of Airspace World in Geneva. Over the three days, we will be showcasing with our partners how we are working together to drive forward the modernisation, safety and sustainability of European aviation.

The “Europe for Aviation” stand & theatre (#H22) will host an impressive agenda featuring demos & exhibits on the latest ATM developments, as well as briefings & panel discussions with top playersand experts from across the industry. We will be talking about the hottest topics affecting aviation, including decarbonisation, artificial intelligence, air-ground connectivity, drones, innovation, ATM network operations, civil-military cooperation, space and ATM, and many more.

On 8 March, make sure to take a seat in our theatre for the session on decarbonising aviation, starting at 11:30 with a keynote speech by ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano, followed by a one-to-one interview with Henrik Hololei, Director General DG MOVE at the European Commission. His intervention will be followed by a panel introduced by EUROCONTROL Director General RaĂșl Medina and focused on concrete contributions to sustainability with the perspective of research-deployment-operations.

At 12.30 join the official stand opening ceremony, which will be followed by a reception.Don’t miss the opportunity to catch up with EUROCONTROL experts and learn more about the latest developments including:how the EUROCONTROL Network Manager is preparing to deal with increasing traffic in the European network over the summer, which is expected to be up to 15% above the already saturated traffic levels of 2022. Briefing in our theatre on 9 March, at 10:15-10:45the range of innovative projects driven by our Innovation Hub – on the exhibit part of the stand, and a panel discussion in our theatre on how to drive innovation forward on 9 March, at 13:00-13:45the latest technological developments at our Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre, including a presentation on ADS-C at our pod over the three days, and a briefing in our theatre on the ATC automation project ARGOS, on 8 March, 10:45-11:15briefings on trajectory-based operations, surveillance monitoring and air traffic flow management in the exhibit part of the stand civil-military airspace user performance tools (LARA, PRISMIL), which will be showcased on the exhibit part over the three days, and a panel debate on civil-military collaboration in our theatre on 9 March, 11:00-12:00and a lot more!

Airport Simulation platform

If you have an ATC operational background, sign up for our airport simulation platform to test first-hand the runway solutions we have developed to optimise aircraft spacing buffers and separation minima on final approaches.

Reserve your seat now