2023 ATM Awards launched????

Following its success earlier this year, CANSO is once again partnering with Air Traffic Management Magazine to bring you the Air Traffic Management Awards 2023, the winners of which will be announced at Airspace World 2024.

The awards acknowledge the pioneering concepts, initiatives, and significant achievements of leaders and organisations in the air traffic management industry and are open to all ATM, UTM, UAM, UAS and Space stakeholders. Manufacturers, software developers, research agencies, standards organisations, air navigation service providers, regulators, drone service providers and operators, airports, and aircraft operating companies are also encouraged to enter.

There are five individual categories plus an overall winner to be judged by a panel of experts from our industry. The categories are:

  • Digital Transformation in ATM
  • Reimagining ATM Operations
  • Greener Skies
  • Resilience in ATM
  • Integration of drones/AAM

Entries must be submitted by Wednesday 17 January 2024 and are free to enter. There will be an awards reception in Geneva, at Airspace World 2024 to announce the winners and runner-ups.

More information about the process, the categories, and the link to enter is now available on the Air Traffic Management Magazine website here.

In other Airspace World news, registration to attend the event is scheduled to open in the coming weeks. And for potential exhibitors, the floorplan for Airspace World is filling up rapidly – if you haven’t booked your exhibition space at our exciting new event, please contact sales@airspaceworld.com.